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Escape Game - Les Flammes d'Adlerstein
A detective entrusts you with his file in order to clarify the circumstances
the death of a man who perished in the flames of his house.
The case is now in your hands! Here no rules of the game! You have all the elements in hand, and
if you want to help yourself from the internet nothing prevents you.
Review journal articles, statements and medical and
anything you think will help in this case. Dig into the past and
intimate life of the different protagonists of this strange affair..
The planet Tortuga definitely hides many surprises. Discover the Bay of the Shipwrecked, an undetectable area thanks to its powerful signal jammer, as well as the Sentinel sector, a veritable control center of the planet.
The Bay of the Castaways allows you to place System Failure cards in the deck of your rivals, while the Sentinel Sector gives you access to mines that you will let drift to set traps. Every sector comes with new cards to renew your strategies even more!
• play up to 5.
• More interaction between players!
• the base box is designed to store this new equipment.
- 2 Sector tiles
- 43 cards
- 14 tokens
- 1 ship figurines
- 10 player markers
- 1 rule book
Players: 1-5
Age: 10+
Duration: 90 min
Sprache : Französisch
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A detective entrusts you with his file in order to clarify the circumstances
the death of a man who perished in the flames of his house.
The case is now in your hands! Here no rules of the game! You have all the elements in hand, and
if you want to help yourself from the internet nothing prevents you.
Review journal articles, statements and medical and
anything you think will help in this case. Dig into the past and
intimate life of the different protagonists of this strange affair..
The planet Tortuga definitely hides many surprises. Discover the Bay of the Shipwrecked, an undetectable area thanks to its powerful signal jammer, as well as the Sentinel sector, a veritable control center of the planet.
The Bay of the Castaways allows you to place System Failure cards in the deck of your rivals, while the Sentinel Sector gives you access to mines that you will let drift to set traps. Every sector comes with new cards to renew your strategies even more!
• play up to 5.
• More interaction between players!
• the base box is designed to store this new equipment.
- 2 Sector tiles
- 43 cards
- 14 tokens
- 1 ship figurines
- 10 player markers
- 1 rule book
Players: 1-5
Age: 10+
Duration: 90 min
Sprache : Französisch